Agent workstations to

actually do work
use a browser
speak and listen
ask questions
run code
use Zoom
share screen
record their work
converse with you
demo products
educate users

use human interfaces
use a web browser
speak and listen
ask questions
write and run code
join Zoom meetings
share their screen
record their work
lead conversations
demo products
educate your users

An API for workstations that agents use to complete tasks at scale. Give your agents access to a browser, Zoom meetings, audio/video streams, virtual hardware and more.

Voice Actions
Code Actions
Scraper Actions
Browser Actions
Custom Actions
Meeting Actions
Workstation API
Agentic Application
Agentic Application
Agentic Application
Backed by:
AriseHealth logo
OE logo

Build agents that
can do anything

Easily design cross-platform, multimodal agents, with 40+ actions available via the API.

Browser Automation

Complete browser tasks by interacting with web applications.

$ go run main.go node app.js python

Code Sandboxes

Write and run Python, Golang and NodeJS scripts within a dedicated workspace.

Online Meetings

Create, join and share screen in Zoom meetings.

Voice Applications

Speak, ask questions and drive real-time conversations.

Web Scraping

Crawl webpages and extract data from HTML or a screenshot.


Custom Tools

Build your own tooling and deploy it with Kubernetes manifests.

Powerful tools for developers

  • Easy-to-use API and SDKs
    Leverage 50+ agent actions with a few lines of code.

  • Customize your workstation
    Select hardware and software based on use case.

  • Avoid scaling headaches
    Run thousands of concurrent agent sessions in the cloud.

Get API Key
# Request a workstation
curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{ "type": "zoom-web", "workspace_id": "bMf1euMgczAY" }'

# Open a new tab and go to URL
curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{ "url": "string" }'

# Press "Enter"
curl -L \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
-d '{ "event": "press", "text": "string" }'

# Take a screenshot
curl -L -X POST \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
import asyncio, aiohttp

API_URL = ''
API_KEY = '4DH21-93LQ2-293QW'

async def main():
 headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}'}
 async with aiohttp.ClientSession(base_url=API_URL, 
 headers=headers)as session:
   # Create workstation
   ws = await'/', json={
    'type': 'zoom-web', 
    'workspace_id': 'bMf1euMgczA'
   # Open a new tab and navigate to URL
   tab = await
   f"/{ws['id']}/browser/tabs", json={'type': 'tab'}).json()
    json={'url': ''})
   # Take a screenshot
  except aiohttp.ClientError as e:
   print(f'Error: {e}')

// defaults to os.Getenv("AGENTSTATION_API_KEY")
as := agentstation.NewClient()

// Request a new workstation
ws, _ := as.RequestWorkstation(WorkstationTypeChromium)

// Open a browser tab and go to website
as.BrowserTabOpen(ws, "")

// Type text into input field
as.BrowserText(ws, "textarea[title='Search']", "2024 Olympics")

// Press "Enter"
as.BrowserKeyboard(ws, "press","Enter")

// Take a screenshot
const api = require('axios').create({
 baseURL: '',
 headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer 4DH21-93LQ2-293QW'}

(async () => {
 try {
  // Request a workstation
  const {data: workstation} = await
    {type: 'zoom-web', workspace_id: 'bMf1euMgczA'});

  // Open a new tab and navigate to a URL
  const {data: tab} = await
    `/${}/browser/tabs`, {type: 'tab'});

    {url: ''});
  // Take a screenshot

 } catch (error) {console.error('Error:', error);

Powerful monitoring
& observability

& observability

  • Real-time monitoring
    Stream workstation displays in the dashboard.

  • Control agents remotely
    Enable "human-in-the-loop" workflows with VNC and RFB.

  • Recordings and transcripts
    Access files immediately after every agent run.

Powerful monitoring
& observability

Monitor and control agents remotely via VNC or dashboard.
Generate recordings and transcripts of every agent workstation.

Monitor and control agents remotely via VNC or dashboard. Generate recordings and transcripts of every agent workstation.

Start building for free

Start for free - no credit card required


No credit card required.
Up to 300 minutes
Unlimited agents & workspaces
Full API and dashboard access
90-day file storage
1 developer
Sign Up
Pay only for what you use

Usage Based

Pay only for what you use.
Per workstation minute
Unlimited agents & workspaces
Full API and dashboard access
90-day file storage
Up to 10 developers
Sign Up
For professional developers


Complex needs? Hit us up.
Billed annually
Unlimited agents & workspaces
Full API and dashboard access
Custom storage limits
Unlimited developers
Dedicated support & onboarding
Contact Us